My name is Benedikt Lang, born 1988 in Regensburg, Germany. I’m currently studying computer science at the University of Passau, Germany. Made a long journey from plain html and javascript 1.2 to php and most of its frameworks over to java, node.js and the javascript universe, currently residing in the land of golang.
I’m running gentoo at home, ubuntu + coreos on servers.
Brief history
- 03-2015: Completed B. Sc. Computer Science - University Passau - Germany
- 01-2008 - today: Freelancer Programming
- 2014: CoreOS, Service discovery
- 2013: Golang, Docker
- 2011: Node.js, AngularJs, C(++), Git
- 2009: Java, Java Spring
- 2004: Typo3, JS
- 2002 and prior: PHP, HTML, JS, Linux
- 08-2009 - 12-2010: Hired freelancer at eveca GmbH
- 06-2004 - 08-2009: Programmer at eveca GmbH Regensburg/Germany (Serveradministation, Typo3, php)
Skills 2015
- Java +++
- Golang +++
- Docker +++
- Linux ++
- CoreOS ++
- JS ++
- Typo3 ++
- C(++) ++
- PHP +
- AWS +